Nepal’s new Constitution (2015) stresses on the public administration which is impartial, effective, transparent, accountable and participatory.
Nepal’s new Constitution (2015) stresses on the public administration which is impartial, effective, transparent, accountable and participatory. Our Government is a video report of the contributions Support Nepal (SNP) is making towards the realization of this constitutional spirit of inclusive and open governance system at the local level. The video report consists of (1) the legal and policy provisions for local governments in Nepal, (2) how an inclusive and accountable local governance system can mainstream the rights and participation of all Nepalese, including the excluded groups, and (3) how SNP is helping the local governments in realizing the need for and instituting the foundation of inclusive governance system which is open, accountable and participatory.
Organization Support Nepal
ThemeNepal’s new Constitution (2015) stresses on the public administration which is impartial, effective, transparent, accountable and participatory.